Working on all aspects of creative media, specialising in video production for publishing across social media channels.
Since 2017 I have been producing media for events, businesses and on my own passion projects. My background in elite athletics lends itself well to working alongside athletes to produce unique video content for sports brands and events. Have a look at my Instagram for some "reels" I have created over the past few months.
Let's chat ideas - I am open to anything, from one short video to a long-term plan encompassing multiple sources of creative content. Drop me a message on any of my social accounts, or email
During COVID-19 I introduced e-commerce and marketing to brick & mortar businesses to drive sales and was responsible for £1000s in rescued revenue. Most notably with zero-waste enterprise Ethical Weigh, providing photography, content management and e-commerce set up as part of a complete package. Whether you require product photography, online course media production, or anything to offer online customers, let's get started.